Join us for our annual Conquer Chiari Walk Across America on the 21st and 28th of September!

Join us for our 1st annual Strike Down Chiari National Bowling Tournament on November 9th, 2024!

smiling friends

Conquer Chiari

History & Accomplishments since 2004...

  • 380+ Research Articles

  • 50+ Personal Stories

  • 40+ Informative Posters & Handouts

  • 12+ Presentations

  • Nearly 5,000 copies of the book, Conquer Chiari: A Patient’s Guide, sold world-wide

  • Walk Across America – 47 states, 100,000+ walkers since it started

  • September 2019 Chiari Awareness Month social media posts reached nearly 1 million people

  • Largest NGO funder of Chiari research in the world, with $4.1+ million in grants

  • These grants have generated 70+ published, peer-reviewed journal articles

  • Grants have also led to an additional $1 million in NIH Chiari focused research grants

  • Established the world’s first multi-disciplinary, independent Chiari focused research facility, the Conquer Chiari Research Center

  • Launched the innovated Chiari1000

  • Organized 4 professional research conferences

The C&S Patient Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the experiences and outcomes of Chiari and syringomyelia patients through education, awareness, and research.

Conquer Chiari is our informal name, our goal, and our website. Chiari and syringomyelia are complicated diseases, which require complex solutions. No single action will beat them, but the combined efforts of many people, on many fronts will. For far too long these diseases have destroyed people's lives, its time to fight back.

Education, awareness, and research are our weapons.
Compassion and conviction are our guides.
Strength, courage, and determination will sustain us.
We will win.